
Economics Concepts In Demand (Analysis)

WELCOME TO YOU I heartily welcome you to read this post on Concepts of "Demand". Let s start from the term demand. ------------------------------ Demand Generally demand refers to a common desire. But here in Economics Demand refers to a desire which is formed or backed up by the willingness and ability to pay sum of the of money for some quantity of goods. simple, Demand is a desire which can be caused by ability to pay and willingness to purchase. Demand schedule As we've discussed in Indifference schedule, Demand schedule is also a data in tabular form or tabulation which shows the functional relationship (Mathematical) between the quantity of goods/commodities demanded and their prices. The demand schedule is again categorised into: Individual demand schedule: It is the number of purchases which are made by an individual with given income (total purchases with his income). Market demand schedule: It is a data which shows total number of goods purchased by different in

Concepts In Consumer Behaviour

WELCOME TO YOU I heartily welcome you to read this post on "Consumer behaviour analysis". very basic concepts. Share your thoughts as they're very powerful. ------------------------------ Utility The want satisfying power of a commodity for a particular period of time is called as utility. It is the main basic for demand for that commodity. Every economic good has utility as we've written in previous concepts. Cardinal utility This concept was developed by Marshall a  British economist. if the satisfaction derived from a different commodities by the consumer is expressed in terms of numbers (numerical values) such as 1, 2, 3, 4... etc It is called as Cardinal utility. (Cardinal numbers). Ordinal utility This concept was introduced by John R. Hicks. According to this concept, Utility is subjective so, The satisfaction can be measured by ranks such as, 1st, 2nd 3rd, 4th... etc. We can observe the difference between satisfaction which is derived by consuming different go

Basic Concepts In Economics (INTRODUCTION_TO_ECONOMICS)

WELCOME TO YOU I heartily welcome you to read this post on "Few basic concepts in economics". ------------------------------ Economic Goods Simply Economic good refers to a thing which demands price for use, buy and exchange. Economic goods are manmade such as, Pen, book, computer etc. They have cost of production. They are always limited in supply which means less than to demand. The ownership can be transferred from one to another. That's why there is value in both exchange and use. all above points refers to economic goods. Capital goods These refers to goods which are used to produce other goods. Capital goods are also called as producer goods. They are used in production process. They satisfy human wants indirectly. for example, Machinery, Tools, buildings, equipment, etc. Intermediate goods The goods which are under the process of production are called as intermediate goods or Semi finished goods. They are again transferred to different industries and factories to m

Meaning, Types And Characteristic Features Of Wants

WELCOME TO YOU I heartily welcome you to read this post on the concept of wants. ------------------------------ Want Generally a want is just a desire. But in Economics it is a very basic/fundamental concept which is basis for number of other concepts in economic theories. It is assumed that Human wants are always unlimited or limitless whereas, resources are always in scarce. Simply the resources are always less than the demand. That's why the reason a man will go for alternative resources. Want is a psychological phenomenon.  Economic want and noneconomic want Generally wants are divided into 2 types. they are: Economic want Noneconomic want      *Economic want refers to those desires which can be bought and satisfied through money or other way of transaction. For example, purchase of clothes, Satisfying basic requirements/necessities etc. This kind of want requires purchase of a commodity. It can be satisfied with the right desire and ability to pay. I can say simply that the in

Concepts Related To National Income, Unemployment & Poverty

WELCOME TO YOU I heartily welcome you to read the post on these concepts.  ------------------------------ National Income It is the total value of all goods and services which are produced in a country by all sectors in an year is called as national income. or It is the total market value of goods and services produced in a country, counted without duplication  is called national income. Per capita Income Per capita income = Total national income / Total population. It is the average income earn by all people in the country. When the level of per capita income is more, Automatically the economic growth that is output is also more and that leads to its economic development. Unemployment It is a situation when a labor doesn’t get employment despite of his ability and willingness to work at  the existing wage rate is called unemployment. -- when a labour is eligible and willing to work at a existing current market price, but not in a work is called as unemployment. It is an important meas

Analysing Economic Growth And Economic Development (Macro_economics)

WELCOME TO YOU I heartily welcome you to read this post about analysing the terms "Economic growth and Economic development". Share your thoughts as they're very powerful. ------------------------------ Introducing both terms The two terms namely Economic growth and Economic development are the important indicators for measuring the rate of growth in the economy which leads to gradual development. If a country can produce More output, The level of employment will be very high which leads to high level of consumption, Demand, Supply, equal distribution of income, etc. as a result, Gradually there is an improvement in the infrastructure, well-being, growth in both social and economical dimensions. So, We can conclude that the measurement of economic growth is for short period. whereas, Economic development can be achieved with economic growth in long period or long-term. Economic growth Simply the term economic growth refers to an increase in the real output of the country

Analysing Industries With Special Reference To Indian Economy (Economics)

WELCOME TO YOU I heartfully welcome you to read this post. In previous posts, We've already written Concepts related to Industries. to read that post: Visit With that knowledge we're going to read about:  Meaning of Industries Types, Importance in economic growth major problems faced by the industry, Measures to support and promote industrial growth, How government is involved to support industries. Importance of industries in a country.  Industry Industry is one of the major sector in the economy. It increases employment, efficiency in a labour, promotes regional development, education, infrastructure etc. Simply Industry deals with extraction, conversion and production of goods  Small Scale Industries If the process of manufacturing and production is done in small scale that means on smaller amount, it is called as a small scale industry. It has number of advantages like equal distribution of i

Environment, Planning And Development. (Economics Concepts)

Welcome To You I heartfully welcome you to read this post on the topic "Environment, Planning and development". Let's begin. Its very short and simple concept. ------------------------------ Balanced regional Development The development of all regions according to their potentialities is called as Balanced  Regional Development.  --- Friends, It does  not equal in every region because, the availability of resources and facilities are not same in every area. That's why the rate of development of areas is based on the availability of resources, standard of living, Government concentration, geographical status etc. Inclusive growth Inclusive growth aims at providing economic benefits to high to neglected marginalised  sections so that the economy can move towards its equitable growth. Inclusive growth is  main objective of our 11th and 12th five-year plans. It means to develop backward states. Sustainable development Sustainable development can be defined as the developm

Concepts Of Micro Economics And Macro Economics

Welcome To You I heartfully welcome you to read about Micro economics and Macro economics. Share your thoughts as they're very powerful. ------------------------------ Economics In previous posts, it already said that Economics is broadly categorised into 2 types or branches. Micro and Macro economics. One can say simply that micro economics is everything about Prices, Consumer behaviour, firms, households, each decisions, Individuals, etc. It mainly deals with prices and markets. Whereas, Macro economics is also another branch of economics which studies about all aspects of an economy as a whole or single unit. It studies overall performance, problems of economy, growth etc. It is based on 2 main perspectives. that is long-term and short-term analysis. Micro economics is developed by classical economists such as Adam Smith, Jean-Baptiste Say, David Ricardo, Marshall, Thomas Robert Malthus, John Stuart Mill, etc. Introduction of the terms Ragnar Frisch was the first economist to us