Analysis On Growth of the population, Human resource, Economic development (Study)
I heartfully welcome you to read this post on analyzing the rate of growth of population Which leads to development of human resource as well as development of economy.
Previously I've posted concepts relating to population in economics. Once visit that post for thorough analysis.
Lets move forward.
Causes for rapid growth of Population
(population explosion)
General reference to India.
In India the population is increasing at high rate that is at 1.87 percent per year. According to 2011
senses the total India’s population was 121 crores. Every year in India the population is increasing
that is of 2 crores. If the growth of the population is very high that is called as population explosion.
Causes for rapid growth of population or population explosion in India
In India the population is increasing at high rate due to decrease in the death rate and increase in
the birth rates.
a. Causes of decline in death rate:
the main causes for the decrease in the death rate are;
1. Elimination of famines: improvement in the supply of food in the country.
2. control of epidemics: epidemics include cholera and diarrhoeal diseases, measles, malaria, and dengue fever.
3. Improvement in the sanitation: supply of food, safe drinking water, sanitation, and high
spread of education, expanding medical facilities, poverty eradication programs will have the
impact on the mortality rate.
b. Causes for the high population growth
In India the rate of growth of population is very high due to some economic and social factors.
1. Economic factors:
there are mainly 3 factors or the reasons to increase in the high rate of
population they are: predominance of agriculture, slow urbanization and poverty.
a. Predominance of agriculture:
generally India is an agrarian country. in rural areas most
of the families are depended on agriculture. Most of the agricultural activities needs
more labour's. So the size of the family is large. The families not consider the children as
burden but as an asset. It is the main reason to have number of births in a family.
b. Urbanization:
the process of urbanization is very slow in India. It folds to generate an
awareness in the people to reduce the birth rates.
When there is employment to more number of people, gradually the infrastructure develops and that leads to urbanization.
c. Poverty:
poverty is an important factor to increase in the high growth of birth rates in
India. They feels their children as an asset. And they consider that if a family has more
earners, that family income is also more. So they prefers to have more number of
children in their families.
Practically it is the major factor to increase in high population.. It happens when there is no adequate support and schemes by the government, awareness, Facilities, etc.
2. Social factors
The important social factors which are responsible to increase in high birth
rate in India are;
a. Universality of marriage,
b. Lower age at the time of marriage,
c. Religious superstitions and social customs and traditions,
d. Joint family system,
e. Lack of education,
f. Using contraceptives.
Measures to control population explosion
The main measures to control the high population growth that means population explosion are
explained below.
I. Economic measures
the important economic measures to be taken are;
a. Expanding the industrial sector in the country:
the industrial workers are aware of the
difficulties in getting employment. So they are interested in restricting their family.
b. Creation of employment:
more jobs are to be created in both urban and rural villages which
is a powerful check on growth of population. The housing problem and the cost of bringing
up the children in urban areas prohibits large families.
c. Equal distribution of income and removal of poverty:
Once the poor families enjoys luxurious
and comfort they prefers to live as small families.
ii. Social measures:
population explosion is not only an economic problem but also a social
problem. Social evils has to be removed to bring down the birth rate. The important
social measures are:
a. Women education should be encouraged:
educated woman follow the family planning so
have less number of children.
b. Improve in the status of women in the society:
woman empowerment helps in control of
c. Rising age:
in the national population policy 2000, the government of India raised the age of
marriage Up to 18 preferably to 20 years or more.
iii. Family planning programs:
Importance of family planning has a device to control population explosion. Now it is recognized
The following are the main features to discuss respectively.
a. Public information program:
the newly productive aged couples are to be informed the
advantages of family planning. The government is using both pin and electronic media to
publicize the advantages of family planning.
b. Incentives and disincentives:
the government introduced many schemes to control the
population explosion. Cash prices are given to the people those who accepts the family
planning. The people who do not accept family planning are denied certain facilities by the
c. Family planning centers:
to provide clinical facilities which are needed for family planning
centers should be established.Contraceptors distribution centers played key role.
d. Research and development:
research in the field of communication action, reproductive
biology and fertility control should be given priority. The government of India realized the
maximum output from family planning.
The theory of demographic transition
According to theory of demographic transition, every country passes
with three stages like birth rate and death rates.
First stage: -
High birth and high death rate. in the first stage the high birth rate and
high death rate is equally matched. The birth rate is high because lack of
education, superstitions, social believes and customs, size of family, early
marriages, depend up on agriculture sector etc. high date rate because poor
housing conditions, low level of standard of living, lack of medical facilities,
un scientific outlook etc. it is the cause for high birth rates and high death
Second stage (high birth rate and low death rates): -
It is the beginning process of development, in this stage improve in the
education, medical and health facilities the government make efforts to
check the diseases. The individual’s incomes are increasing and also improve
diet. it is the causes for high birth rate. Some of the factors like agrigarial
society, mass educational, attitude of the people etc. is the cause for high
birth rate and low death rate.
Third stage (Low birth rate and low death rate): -
In the developed countries (America) due to growth of industries,
growth of urbanization, people think that children, with small family etc.
cause low birth rate. Education helps people to think in a right way, good
medical facilities, standard of living etc. is the cause for low death rate.
national population policy 2000
It is aimed to provide medical care, Reproductory health care, and continuity of family planning. It can be also written as NPP shortly.
1. reduction of infant mortality rate below 30% per 1000 live births.
2. Reduction of maternal mortality rate below 100 per 100000 live
3. Universal immunisation.
4. Achieve 80% of deliveries in regular dispensaries, hospitals and
medical institutions with trained staff.
5. Axis to information containing aids, prevenction and controlling
communicative diseases.
6. Incentive to adapt two child family nor.
7. Facilities for safe abortions.
8. Strict enforcement of child marriage restrain act and prenatal
diagnostic technics. Act.9. Raising the age of marriage of girls not earlier than 18 or preferably
raising it to 21 or more.
10. A special reward for women’s who married after 21 years and
adapting contraceptives after their 2nd child.
Views of Amartya Sen on human development
Indian economist Amartya Sen won the Nobel price for economics in 1998.
He published the book development as freedom in 1999.
He mentions 5 freedoms like political freedoms, economic facilities,
social freedoms, protective security, transparency guarantee. Political
freedoms like free speech and elections, economic facilities like free to
participate trade and production, social opportunities like education and
health etc. have to promote economic development. Development requires
the removal of sources of un freedoms like poverty, un employment, poor
economic opportunities, neglect of public facilities. Freedom creates growth.
Freedom is a principle determinant of individual initiative and social effectiveness. Raising human capability improve the choices, well being and
freedom of people changes to words social and economic production.
The end
Thanks for reading. Hope it is helpful to you.
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