I Heartfully welcome you to read this post on concepts related to agricultural sector. These basic concepts will give clear ability to analyze concepts in more productive way.
Lets Begin. after --- symbol explanation of that particular concept is written.
Share of agriculture in national income:
In 1950 to 1951 the share of agriculture and other sectors in national income of GDP was
56.5%and it declined to 24.7% in 2000 to 2001. And farther to 13.9% in 2012 to 2013.
A very huge force of labours are engaged in agricultural sector. It was 98 millions in 1951, and
increased to 235 millions in 2001.
India is Well-known for its agricultural methods and engagement. heavy labour force is engaged in agriculture especially in rural areas. Many industries are directly interdependent on agriculture production.
Capital Formation
Economic development cannot be achieved unless capital formation increases to a higher level.
As agriculture is largest sector in India, it plays a crucial role in pushing of the rate of capital
Irrigation is an important factor which increases the productivity in agriculture. Irrigation is can be classified into 3
- Canal irrigation
- Well irrigation
- Tank irrigation.
If the productivity of a crop is measured by the average production of that crop per hectare of
that cropped area is called as agricultural productivity.
its the measurement of total output / product produced by 1 hectare.
Population pressure on land
the pressure of population on land is very high in India. Even the non agricultural
organisations are also not able to observe the total workers. Many people are migrating to
the land for employment. Thus we can say the population pressure on the land is increasing.
if the population pressure on land is more, the productivity in agriculture decreases and vice versa.
Land degradation
it causes due to heavy rains, floods and deforestation, water logging, improper drainage, etc. It is
also responsible for the low productivity in agriculture.
Green revolution
Introduction of new methods for cultivation, HYV cedes, chemical fertilisers, pesticides,
water facilities etc are promoted the productivity in agriculture of India. This is called as
green revolution.
It is the method which enables to cultivate on any temperature and environment.
Rural indebtedness
Most of the rural people in India are in debts. They are not able to clear their debts regularly
as they are spending the money for unproductive purposes. So the debts burden is
increasing. This is called as rural indebtedness.
When money is spent on unproductive or unwanted activities and proper decisions is not taken, the problem of indebtedness appears in a family or group of people.
Regional Rural Banks (RRB’s)
commercial banks are failed to fill the geographical gap in the availability of credit is not
covered by the cooperatives. To bright this gaps regional rural banks were setup in 1975 as
recommended by SRI M. Narasimhan. The RRB’s provides loans to small and marginal
farmers, rural artisans, landless labour's and other rural residences of small areas.
RRB'S started functioning to support poor as the result of replacing commercial banks.
Primary agricultural credit socialists(PACS)
the PACS are organised at village level. They mainly provide long term loans, short-term
loans to the farmers. The PACS are the credit institutional for farmers.
Micro finance
the term micro finance refers to the provision of credit or other financial requirements for
poor and other socially disadvantage groups of people. It refers to the provision of credit,
thrift, and other financial services and products of very small quantities to the poor and
rural, semi urban and urban areas for enabling them to rise their income levels and living
It is also called as Micro credit. it is provided by the banks. It's main aim is to ensure well-being and development of farmers and the poor.
Self Help Groups (SFG’s)
It is a group which is formed
by the people belonging to poor and economic weaker suctions. It is to improve their
economic and social positions. The main objective of SHG’s is mutual aid, social welfare and
assistance to members.
It is a group formed by different people who are with same economical and social status and having a same objective to bring welfare and development of all other members. it is also called as self governing.
Grading and standardization
Grading and standardization helps farmers to get a remunerative price for their agricultural
prices. The graded agricultural products are stamped with the seal of A.G mark. These goods
will have command better prices and vide markets.
They measures agricultural items based on size, shapes, quality etc.
Warehousing facilities
to prevent distrust sails by the small and marginal farmers godowns are constructed in
villages and towns. The central warehousing corporations and the state warehousing
corporations are established to improve the warehousing facilities.
It is a major factor in promoting sales and marketing.
commission for agricultural costs and prices gives advices to the government regarding
agricultural pricing policy. It determines the minimum support of price and procurement
prices of agricultural prices.
Minimum support prices (MSP)
the government fixes the minimum support prices every year for major agricultural products
after taking into account the recommendations of CACP.Maximum price fixation
the government fixes maximum prices for some agricultural products. The government sales
many agricultural prices like grains, sugar, rise at fair prices under the public distribution
It encourages farmers to participate more in agriculture sector if the prices are equal according to their value of products.
Buffer stock
it refers to buying and selling out stocks with the purpose of moderating the price
Many markets, voluntary associations, governments perform this activity to control price fluctuations.
Concept of food security
ensuring that all people at all times have both physical and economic axis to basic food they
need is called food security. That means the capacity to have food all the time to eat.
It is the basic requirement to ensure all have equal access to food economically and socially.
The End
Thanks for reading. Hope it is helpful to you.
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